Organ Care Systems


OCS™ Lung

The only FDA approved device for both standard and expanded* criteria donor lungs for transplantation.The OCS Lung is a portable perfusion, ventilation, and monitoring system that maintains the organ at a near-physiologic state – allowing physicians to assess and improve the condition of lungs between the donor and recipient sites.

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OCS™ Heart

The only FDA approved technology for extracorporeal perfusion and preservation of donor hearts in the U.S.The OCS Heart is a portable, warm perfusion, and monitoring system designed to keep a donor heart at a human-like, metabolically active state. By monitoring key parameters of the functioning heart, physicians may use their medical judgement to assess a potentially suitable heart’s condition and viability.

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OCS™ Liver

The OCS Liver is an FDA approved device for DCD and DBD donor Livers. A prospective, pivotal, randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the OCS Liver to preserve and assess donor livers intended for transplantation.

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Reach out to us today to discover how our medical devices can enhance your healthcare operations. We are eager to assist you in advancing patient care and achieving your organizational goals.