

The Edison® System is a sophisticated platform that delivers pulsed sound energy into the body, without any incisions or needles, and has the ability to destroy tumors at the sub-cellular level, all while the treating physician continuously monitors the “bubble cloud” and treatment effect in real-time.


Using the Edison™ System, the physician views real‑timediagnostic ultrasound to localize the targeted tissue and toplan the treatment volume (including any margin the physiciandetermines appropriate).
During treatment, the physician monitors treatment via real-time diagnostic ultrasound as the precision treatment arm continuously moves the bubble cloud automatically to encompass the entire planned treatment volume. The destructive effects of histotripsy is confined to the tissue within the planned treatment volume.


After treatment has concluded, the physician uses live ultrasound to confirm treatment. The volume where soft tissue wasmechanically destroyed will typically appear hypoechoic (dark). The images below demonstrate histotripsy results in (A1) apatient MRI and contrast-enhanced ultrasound demonstrating precision treatment and (A2) an immediate tissue responsewith preserved patent vessel traversing the treatment zone. The final images (A3) are of an ex-vivo animal model and arerepresentative of collagen structures and larger vessels which tend to remain preserved after histotripsy.

Histotripsy is a novel form of focused ultrasound thatuses high amplitude, very short pulses designed tomechanically liquefy and destroy targeted tissue.

Histotripsy’s unique mechanism of action destroys targeted tissue only within the bubble cloud, which enables highly precise treatments while avoiding damage to non-targetedt issue.

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